About Travel Workers /
“Travel Worker” is a brand new program created by RTM (Redefine Tourism Mixer), a Non-Profit Organization that’s dedicated to bringing young talents and new ideas to the corner of Taiwan.
As a Travel Worker, you might be from another continent on earth and know nothing about Taiwan, but you’re definitely an enthusiast for travel, adventure, exotic experiences and people of diverse cultures!
During the 3-month trip among assigned areas, you’re expected to live and learn with local residents, completing various ground missions by farming, fishing, furnishing, nature-exploring and culture-discovering. All the hardship and challenges lead you to a greater maturity.
Moreover, all those impressive juicy memories will be recorded into your diary and final presentation through writing and filming. These homework are going to be shared with your friends and families back in hometown and show the true stories you made along with your growth.
Taiwan, the Heart of Asia, is a hospitable island that deserves your devotion with passion and love. Travel Worker project will not only leave you an unforgettable summer but also put your footprint on the map of Taiwan secret places!
『 見學旅工計畫 』為RTM泛旅遊協會(非營利組織)發起之文化蹲點行動,透過台灣青年+國際青年,1 + 1 的方式,一同參與在地社區的生活體驗,除了培養台灣青年之國際接待能力外,同時也讓國際青年,以他們的眼光刺激在地社區,反之也使國際與台灣社區有進一步的接觸,讓世界看到台灣,讓台灣走出世界。
透過深入台灣在地,更能以體會台灣在地情懷及文化多元性,並藉由參與者學習投入、自我專長、社群推廣,替自身與社區共創新的價值及風貌 。
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