Travel Worker's Partner /
北門窩 Beimen WOW Poshtel /
在 2016 年,POSH CREW遇見了熄燈的老旅館,在設計師的巧手改造下,我們為老旅館注入了新的生命,希望讓從世界各地來台灣的客人能夠更深刻體驗道地的老台北文化,同時延續老房子的記憶與生命。


西門窩 Ximen WOW Hostel /
是一群熱愛旅遊的人所建立的,我們提供8~17人等房型,房間乾淨、舒適、具有設計感。當然,我們也提供女生專屬房,讓女性住客有一個安全、自在、舒服的住宿環境。 我們除了提供乾淨的床單、被套、枕頭以及個人電子置物鎖櫃外,我們的床還加裝了簾子來以提高個人隱私。
Ximen WOW Hostel is built by a group of people who love traveling.
We offer room types accommodate for 8 to 17 people. Rooms are clean, comfortable and with unique design.
Of course, we also have exclusive rooms for female guests to give you a safe, care free and cozy accommodation.
We offer clean sheets, quilt, pillows and electric lockers. Also, we have curtains near the dorm beds for your privacy. WOW HOSTEL located in 8th floor of a business building. Elevators are available so don’t worry about climbing stairs with your backpack.
Free Wi-Fi, central air conditioning, free tea bags/coffee, towels and earplugs are accessible on the whole floor.
Our saloon features both recreation and kitchen function, where you can sit on the couch, relax your mind and read a variety of books. You are welcomed to share your stories with anyone here. From our balcony, guests are able to overlook Xi-men-ding pedestrian zone. After sunset, you can take a rest with your new friends to share your traveling experience, to feel the hustle and bustle of Taipei Xi-men-ding, and look up to the stars to feel the peace of the night sky.
저희는 많은 사람들의 많은 관심 덕분에 만들어지게 되었습니다. 저희는 8~17명 정도 편리한 거주공간을 제공합니다. 방의 깨끗함, 상쾌함, 느낌 있는 디자인, 당연히 여성전용숙소도 제공합니다. 여성고객에게 좋은 점 첫번째 안전!, 안락함, 편안히 쉴 수 있는 방 환경
저희는 이것 외에도 깨끗한 시트와 침대커버, 베게 및 개개인이 따로 보관 할 수 있는 캐비닛을 구비하고 있습니다. 저희 호스텔의 침대에는 개개인의 프라이버시를 지켜줄 커튼 또한 달려 있습니다. 호스텔의 위치는 시먼딩 안에 위치한 1층의 쎄븐일레븐 편의점이 있는 스타벅스 맞은 편 건물 8층 입니다. 에뜌드 화장품 가게 옆 엘리베이터를 탈 수 있는 입구가 있습니다. 그러니 8층 까지 무거운 짐을 들고 올라올 염려는 하지 않으셔도 됩니다. 그리고 저희 호스텔에서는 와이파이, 냉난방시설, 차/커피, 뜨거운 물 그리고 귀마개 까지 무료로 제공 해드립니다.
저희 호스텔의 주방과 거실은 여행을 온 사람들과 활발한 교류를 할 수 있도록 되어 있습니다.
저희는 어느 누구의 여행이야기도 모두 환영합니다. 호스텔에는 발코니가 있는데 발코니에서 시먼딩의 야경과 보행자거리를 내려다 볼 수 있습니다. 호스텔에서 새로 알게 된 친구와 발코니에서 오늘 한 여행의 경험 및 소감을 서로 공유 할 수 있습니다. 또 시먼딩 만의 활기찬 기운과 밤하늘의 편안함을 느낄 수 있습니다

夾腳拖的家 Flip Flop Hostel /
說是一個背包旅舍 不如說是一個分享的空間
說是一個理想的實踐 不如說是一趟踏上的旅程
熱情的夾腳拖團隊們 在有美好旅遊故事和音樂的這裡
等待你的光臨 和我們一起
簡單享受生活 用心探索世界
成立工作室於2010年,夾腳拖的家目前除了在台北市的車站館與長安122館外,在美麗的九份也有一處山居。由一群熱愛生活與旅行的夥伴們一起努力:打造一個空間, 讓人與人之間能自在、直接、溫暖的交流; 並體驗以這片土地為養份而滋生出的當地文化
夾腳拖的家 - 長安122
夾腳拖的家 - 台北車站
夾腳拖的家- 山居
They say it’s a backpacker’s hostel,
But it’s also a shared space.
They say it’s a dream come true,
But it’s also the start of a new journey.
Our friendly team is waiting for you to check in,
To come and simply enjoy life, having fun exploring the world.
As well as our two hostels in Taipei city, near Taipei main train station, and the nearby Chang’an Road branch, we also have a mountain guest house in the beautiful town of Jiufen.
With a group of partners who live life to the fullest and love travelling, we have worked hard to create a shared space where people can relax, meet and learn from one another. In this place we hope you can grow and discover the local culture of this land.
Flip Flop Hostel – Garden
Built in 1970, the building which houses our FFH Garden (Chang’an 122) hostel has been used as a trading house for various businesses for decades, and features an open air courtyard within the premises. Teaming up with the new generation of local architects and designers, Flip Flop Hostel has renovated the original building to allow an old house to tell a new story.
Feel the breeze and watch the ever-changing clouds fly across the skies while relaxing together in the sunshine of the patio… Entering the hostel, you will be pleasantly surprised by peace and quiet. Cool and calm, here you can escape from the noise of the busy city streets. Relax and get comfortable, this place is a safe haven for all travellers. Share your stories, meet new friends and discover the world as seen by others.
Flip Flop Hostel – Station
Station is our first hostel project. In 2013, we cooperated with Andy Yen, a well-known Taiwanese artist, to light up the Taipei Rear Station with vivid wall paintings. Since then, we have been greeting travelers all over the world and becoming everyone’s home in Taipei.
In 2018, we started “Artcommodation”, an artist-in-residence project, invited artists from over ten countries, and created artworks in rooms to express their experience and feelings about Taiwan. Every room has its own story, come and start out journey by reading the works and exploring Taiwan with us!
Flip Flop Hostel – Jiufen
Our house in Jiufen is located at the end of the Old Street, away from the bustling life, we live in the tranquil community with centennial buildings. In our house, the original stone walls and antique furniture remain from the golden age, along with the good old memories and modern designs in our house. At night, we take a walk with guests, talking stories of this mountain town, stepping into the mining scenes yesterday and the prosperous streets today.
Setting off from the fast-paced city, you can enjoy poetic light and shade during the day, in the sunshine in the rain. Spend the night together, traveling the world with tea, wine, and everyone in the house.

瘋台北青旅 Fun Inn Taipei /