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Travel Worker's Blog /

I'm a travel worker. Here is my life in

Taiwan community.



鹿港廟宇眾多,有「三步一小廟,五步一大廟」的俗諺。除了大家熟知的必訪景點—鹿港天后宮、龍山寺,其實在鹿港還有很多的「角頭廟」,多主祀王爺,也因此鹿港有個特殊的儀式稱作「暗訪」。 我在大學就讀台語系,在課程當中其實也學了很多台灣傳統民俗的知識,因此對傳統信仰與廟宇也相當有興趣...

Unforgettable Moments in Lukang

For many people my age, the time period after graduation is a tumultuous time. Many are plunged into the work force, unsure if the career...

Tie Dye Experience (樑露工房)

When travelling to a different town, province, or country, one usually goes to the unique and special attractions of that particular...

Food Culture & Culinary Similarities

A close friend once told me that when arriving in a foreign country for the very first time, a good way to really get to know more about...


因為協助拍攝「老屋串門子」影片的關係,我們來到位於巷弄內的小西天神像雕刻祖舖拜訪吳大哥。 吳翔宇,從19歲開始跟在父親身邊學習,從最基礎的手鋸木頭、磨雕刻刀,一步一步從基礎打底。他說:「年輕的時候,總覺得我這部分都學會了,為什麼爸爸不教我下一步,但長大之後就知道為什麼了。」...

Musings on Taiwanese Religiosity

Taiwan and the Philippines may belong in different regions of Asia (as Taiwan is considered to be a part of the East Asian region, while...


鹿港,一個迅速繁榮卻又急速沒落的地方,卻也因此讓這些老房子凍結在它們最繁華的那段時光。可能是清代或是日治,各有各的美。紅磚、木門、燕尾、馬背,隨處可見。但時間是把殺豬刀,歲月的流逝還是讓這些被遺忘的老屋們殘破凋零。 在鹿港,隨處可見這種雜草叢生、荒廢已久的古厝,甚至有時候被...

Lukang Township: History Preserved

You can learn a lot about a country by knowing its history. History is a very important bridge which connects us to our past and reminds...


「來鹿港,莫行大條路,愛行巷仔內,才趣味,」在天后宮附近的雞蛋糕店老闆告訴我。 走進鹿港的巷弄內,杉行街、瑤林街、金盛巷……,果然都暗藏著意想不到的驚喜。 在九曲巷內的老屋窗戶,擁有各種樣式。不管是喜字、直條或是斜角,有沒有功能性或只是裝飾。都吸引我停下腳步,仔細的研究了一...

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