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Hualien Update: I want a blue truck

If you have ever been in suburban or rural areas, the blue trucks can be seen everywhere. They had caught my attention in Miaoli, and as you may expect, Hualien had their share as well. Yes, they are not the most beautiful vehicles, and their specs, meh arguable... You may say it's power and such don't compare to Ram, or Chevrolet, but something about a bumpy ride on a worn out truck with a fantastic view is something different. After every ride in the back on the way up to the mountains, my rear tells me to stop, but I will still take every opportunity to sit in the back. When we are not winding up the bumpy mountains, standing up is the best reward of all. After a day of work, you can feel refreshing air hitting your face, making you feel as if you are on top of the world. Viewing the ocean and having other tourists gleam when they see you, makes you feel so "cool". Nevertheless, you should be aware of the frequent trees along the ride to avoid getting slapped in the face by tree branches. Sticking your head out the window is not only for dogs. Racing through roads with no cars with your head out makes you understand why dogs do what they do. Dangling my feet from the edge of the truck as we drove home was the perfect final touch to my blue truck experience.

Maybe one day, I'll have one of my own, but I sure know I won't be the one driving. I'll be sure to be in the back enjoying the fresh air and view.

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