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Lie to me, but do it brilliantly

The same structured old house: Red bricks and dark brown beams, two rooms, front and back one, particularly this one with decorated pots of various lively plants and flowers at the entrance as a bonus.

Unlike those houses mentioned before, this one is meant for a couple of purposes for tourists. In this house's back room you can dye a cloth by batik technique DIY where the older lady helps you with creating the pattern and so.

Me and Melody went to try some. We needed to be a super gentle while dunking, soaking and rising in the colored water from a plant. Otherwise, the fibers could have torn. Also for preventing the colored water to get into white parts. 4 times for exact 3 mins, depends on your aspiration of the color saturation. I did a flower patterned scarf, and the result was .. well, honestly, not as I expected. But in contrary, I spent a lovely time there.


What got me thinking was the first room which I was presented in second place. A record gallery. Visually, an old fashioned interior with the nice atmosphere, displayed dozen of vinyl records and one of them playing in the background. You can say it's a cute vinyl record shop, no more, no less.

But it can take only around one hour of listening to the owner of the bookshop and you found yourself in a different dimension. Suddenly, this shop has taken a very new dimension. It's phenomenal how people can give the places a life and not to mention, change others. The man, the owner of the bookstore, is a special kind.

Let me be more accurate. The most sneaky person in a brilliant way I have met here. Or I have met in general.

I promised him to not release the secret of that hour. It was highly outstanding and integrated demonstration how can be a gallery, an art and a human recklessness embedded into world issues. And how predictable all of us are.

And this got me thinking.

People buy beautiful lies so easily and refuse to get to know more about serious national/world issues even easier. We would rather close our eyes and hope it will never come to/ happen to/ influence us just to protect our own happiness and nowadays called "inner peace".

Frankly, I don't see any peace or wisdom in this particular attitude. But who am I to judge the source of happiness of others, right? Mind your own business, they say.

But to you, John, I am grateful.

Keep it up. This was a huge lesson given in the peculiar way. Not a laughter, a shocking moment, postrealization and admiration were missed! And I just wish everybody could experience this! And to be fairer to you but keep my world to John as well, I am going to uncover little more this way.

Multiple correct (0-4) answers :

A. The only non fake thing in this store is the piano.

B. There is no real record in this record store, it' s about to be patient and listen.

C. There is a fake story about every singer's struggle and his released record. And it's connected to totally unexpected and different real issue uncover.

D: I can't say unless I pay this store a visit here.


Every choice is kind of true but not entirely. Except D.

You better come here to find out on your own.

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