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Hualien Update: Please go away...

The place I am staying, you are very close to nature and the beach. By close, I mean very close. You can see the buffalo of Hatila named Anyo just relaxing close by, eating most of the time. He avoids people at most, so make sure you are quiet when you approach for a picture. Make sure to be aware where you step, as he has plenty of da bien a.k.a buffalo poop.

With my first working partner and translator named Julia, we were assigned to pull weeds. When I first heard this, my heart stopped for a second. Yeah, I didn't think I would hear the word weeding here in Hualien. I was pleasantly surprised that the "weeds" were much much smaller than those of the farm in Miaoli. I would probably call them small grass poking out from the gravel road. The task at hand was easier, but that didn't stop me from sweating.

The temperature is quite high here and I've only had hot sunny days so far.

We were also assigned to clean out an area where we would be digging holes needed to make a resting place for surfers. I thought the job easy, as there were only three small piles of dead leaves and such that needed to be collected to be later burned. I was ready to work and began to move the debris with a light heart. As I went to dig my hands into the leaves, that 's when I saw them. ANTS! I dislike all insects, but ants, oh please no, I thought. I wanted to stop then and there. As I desperately flicked them off, they continued to climb up my arm. After that, I was hesitant to finish the task at hand. Thankfully, Julia being braver than I continued to work hard. Seeing this, I became more motivated and just worked blindly which somehow was effective. I was glad to get the task done.

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