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Hualien Update: A cold night's sleep.

Along with completing several tasks here at Hatila, we also take part in helping for when guests arrive to have a meal. Preparing a meal, I mean, how hard could it be? Well try making food for 10-20 people. Now that would be easier if it was hamburgers and fries, but imagine five to six dishes. Well, that all leads to the preparation needed to cater a group here at Hatila. This all happens in the small kitchen, with one chef- "ah-i" (aunt), the mother of Emas. I don't know how she can do it, but she does and the food does not disappoint. Usually there is a mixture of seafood, meats and vegetables. For us, we stay out of her way and begin setting the tables and chairs. Once it's all set-up, it is quite beautiful. I have been able to learn about the different food. For example, I now know of liang ban hai chai, kong shin chai, shien ju ro.

I first slept at Hatila, but with more people arriving we moved to Emas's house. A part of me was happy to have hot showers, but I knew I would miss the bamboo floor I slept on for two weeks. Nearing the end of my time here, I decided that I would like to spend the most of my time in Hatila, soaking in the sun. Not only that with the addition of new friends, we drink every night and we sleep on the second floor which is open. With no roof, it lets you take in the beautiful stars and the moon, falling asleep to the sound of crickets crying. One downside is that it is quite cold, but with a sleeping bag, all is well once you fall asleep. Sleeping outside will be one of many experiences I miss from Hatila.

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