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Travel Worker's Blog /

I'm a travel worker. Here is my life in

Taiwan community.



驕陽似火稼如雲,隨穫隨耕力最煩。荷擔人歸黃檨圃,催租客到綠槐村。 耞聲遠逐蟬聲亂,鐮影遙連犢影昏。自是瀛壖多樂土,畬田火米不須論。 陳肇興 <穫稻> (台灣風土) 上面的詩詞用文字描寫出了幾十年前台灣農業當時一片欣欣向榮的光景,當時的農耕用的機械並不發達,每每到了採收的季節...

Working holiday in Nan'ao Natural Farm.

When coming to Nan'ao Natural Farm, you will be provided with accommodation and 3 meals a day, but you will have to join your hands to...

Amazing places that you never want to miss in Nanao.

Nanao is a small town of Yilan city, Taiwan. But not because it’s a small town so you won’t have fun here, instead, Nanao has many places...

A great day with young aboriginal students.

Prepare for the welcoming. On last Saturday, right before the new semester starts in Taiwan, we were welcoming a group of aboriginal high...

A one-day short trip in Nanao. unofficial tour around Nanao. On a lovely Friday morning, A Jiang Ge took us around the town in Nanao for a day, it was because of...

Nan'ao Natural Farm.

Second destination, new journey, new experience. My second destination is Nan’ao Natural Farm (南澳自然田) in Nan’ao, Yilan city, Taiwan. On...

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