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Travel Worker's Blog /

I'm a travel worker. Here is my life in

Taiwan community.


Beautiful nature in Jiaxian

作家相片: Samantha ChangSamantha Chang

The surrounding mountains and the Nanzihsiian River give Jiaxian ever-changing beautiful views and amazing natural environments.

Jiaxian Bridge

The view of the purple bridge decorating with the mountains and the rivers is breathtaking.

In the evening, the blue lights on the bridge not only make Jiaxian look astonishing but light up my love toward Jiaxian’s views.


How lucky we are that we came Jiaxian at the right season!

It’s the season for bamboos to boom around summer time.

I got to have a chance to learn how to peel the bamboos from the locals!

Later on, we even joined the process of making bamoos cuisines and tasted the fresh bamboos!


I was told that Taros were brought to Jiaxian to be the main staple at that time because the main element of them is starch.

Thanks to the gifted weather and soil in Jiaxian, Taros have grown so well until nowadays that Jiaxian is so famous for Taros.

Tourists will come a long way to buy and taste so many kinds of snacks and cuisines made of taros.

So lucky we were again to have a chance to experience the process of making taro ice cream and taste the delicious taste of taros.

龍鬚菜(a kind of vegetables)

It was such a fun experience to go picking the vegetables ourselves!

During the process of picking the vegetables, I felt lucky again to make memory with my friends around the breathtaking surrounding mountainous views.

Later on, we were even able to eat the fresh cuisine made of the vegetables we just picked!

蒲仔(a kind of melon)

The residents told me that in Baolung community, they grew蒲仔to protect themselves from the war attack in ancient time.

As time went by, people then called the community蒲仔寮, by using the name of the melon.

In recent years, the residents even came up with the ideas of making salty cakes(粿)by adding the melon.

Again, we were so lucky to have a chance to witness the process of making the salty cakes(粿).

Firstly, the rice was ground into liquid.

Secondly, fry the melon slices with meat and then put them into the rice liquid.

Finally, steam the rice liquid and the cake will be done.

Finally, steam the rice liquid and the cake will be done!

The flavor of the cake is so good featured with melon!

After knowing the story of the melon and tasting the cakes,

I think that it is a whole success that the residents have created the salty cake with the local ingredients!

Last but not least, I want to mention the warmth and love I felt in this journey in Jiaxian.

As far as I’m concerned, it is the wide and beautiful views in Jiaxian that make the residents here to have rich minds and be able to give out care and love to each other.

I have been felt like home here due to the warmth and care from the residents here.

I want to send my sincere appreciation to all of the people I met in Jiaxian through my words.

With their love and memory, I think I can always wear a smile as I face any difficulties and challenges in my future life.

It’s is the precious present the locals gave me that I am able to take it with me anywhere for a lifetime.



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