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Travel Worker's Blog /

I'm a travel worker. Here is my life in

Taiwan community.



EXPEDITION LOG #179: 2018-09-17 “... THE WORK WAS HARD BUT ALSO FUN …” It has been another early morning but on this day we set out to...


EXPEDITION LOG #89: 2018-09-08 “... WE WOKE BEFORE THE BREAK OF DAY …” That day we woke before the break of day in preparation of our...


意料之外的二訪馬拉邦 在大湖的生活總是圍繞著馬拉邦打轉。為了替賈斯汀的創作搜集材料,哲甫介紹我們認識了住在附近的木工師傅文業(也在之後兩週內,在他的幫忙下採集到需要的木片和竹子)。 第二次拜訪文業是為了鋸木片,但這次是文業的弟弟文詣帶我們到另一座山頭找到需要的木材。沒料到的...


山居歲月 在大湖的前幾日腳步有些混亂,住宿的地方因為久無人居狀況欠佳,權宜在國小的音樂教室待了一晚後,接下來兩天,我們好好地把兩房一廳整頓一番,九月的山腰夜晚頗為涼爽,住起來也還算舒適。 我們住的地方的確是依山傍水,馬拉邦的姿態隨著天氣千變萬化。藍天綠樹是這時節最常見的景色...

Food Culture & Culinary Similarities

A close friend once told me that when arriving in a foreign country for the very first time, a good way to really get to know more about...


因為協助拍攝「老屋串門子」影片的關係,我們來到位於巷弄內的小西天神像雕刻祖舖拜訪吳大哥。 吳翔宇,從19歲開始跟在父親身邊學習,從最基礎的手鋸木頭、磨雕刻刀,一步一步從基礎打底。他說:「年輕的時候,總覺得我這部分都學會了,為什麼爸爸不教我下一步,但長大之後就知道為什麼了。」...

Musings on Taiwanese Religiosity

Taiwan and the Philippines may belong in different regions of Asia (as Taiwan is considered to be a part of the East Asian region, while...


鹿港,一個迅速繁榮卻又急速沒落的地方,卻也因此讓這些老房子凍結在它們最繁華的那段時光。可能是清代或是日治,各有各的美。紅磚、木門、燕尾、馬背,隨處可見。但時間是把殺豬刀,歲月的流逝還是讓這些被遺忘的老屋們殘破凋零。 在鹿港,隨處可見這種雜草叢生、荒廢已久的古厝,甚至有時候被...

A great day with young aboriginal students.

Prepare for the welcoming. On last Saturday, right before the new semester starts in Taiwan, we were welcoming a group of aboriginal high...

A one-day short trip in Nanao. unofficial tour around Nanao. On a lovely Friday morning, A Jiang Ge took us around the town in Nanao for a day, it was because of...

Nan'ao Natural Farm.

Second destination, new journey, new experience. My second destination is Nan’ao Natural Farm (南澳自然田) in Nan’ao, Yilan city, Taiwan. On...

Beautiful nature in Jiaxian

The surrounding mountains and the Nanzihsiian River give Jiaxian ever-changing beautiful views and amazing natural environments. Jiaxian...

Lukang Township: History Preserved

You can learn a lot about a country by knowing its history. History is a very important bridge which connects us to our past and reminds...

FlipFlop Hostel: 'Main Station' Review

The Flip Flop Hostel (FFH) is as if a meaningless, motivational platitude was manifested as a small chain of hostels. It is a synthesized...


華麗的過去,有點滄桑的現在 八月底在後浦街區和Go Explore攝影團隊一起做街訪,晚上我們來到了位於後浦十六的狐狸洞,結束與老闆的訪談後,我們卻如朋友般聊了起來,分享彼此對後浦的想法。印象中,洪老闆曾經用這麼一句話形容後浦,說她有著「華麗的過去,以及有點滄桑的現在」。...

Indigenous people festivals and Music concert

Harvest Festival The people of Jici are not only skilled in fishing, hunting, trekking but they do enjoy a lot by rejoicing with people...


從米粑流到森川里海 來到這裡不久,便從Emas的口中得知在8/26時會舉辦一場藝術季,也就是讓磯崎的大夥忙碌不已的「森川里海(米粑流)濕地藝術季」。 互助而後美好 而「2018森川里海濕地藝術季」今年是第二屆,與其前身2011-2012年的「水梯田濕地生態環境裝置與水梯田濕...


“...I COULD HAVE STAYED FOR MUCH LONGER…” I’ve left Kinmen now but it has enchanted me during my month there. I remember hitchhiking,...


緣起 來金門的第一週,王苓帶著我們造訪後浦的老店家與老師傅。路過一條看來不很起眼的小巷時,提起了它的故事,原來這條小巷過去曾被稱為「橫街仔」,商家雲集,是後浦街上最熱鬧的地方。街尾曾經有間當鋪,沿路有燒酒店、花生油店、木工坊、餐廳等等,現在卻大多是尋常住戶,或是看來有些破敗...


Over time spaces become imbued with the joy, laughter, tragedy and tears which occur within them. Somehow the effects of the latter stick...

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