People I Met in JiaXian
People I met in JiaXian would definitely be the greatest memory I can take it with me in my entire life. She is one of our hosts, 張琪(Chi...
People I met in JiaXian would definitely be the greatest memory I can take it with me in my entire life. She is one of our hosts, 張琪(Chi...
Swimming and Campfire The best exercise and entertainment in the world is swimming. It not only reduces the stress but also helps to...
#21LifeHouse #田野裡的翠豔 龍仔尾是萬安村比較裡面的地方,藏匿在稻田之中,是個色彩鮮豔的小莊園。從復古的三合院建築改造,民宿中的設計風格卻是別出心裁。從工業風到溫馨的日式木造氛圍,每一處都存有民宿主人的用心。21LifeHouse距離著名的伯朗大道不算太遠,卻...
池上最有名的,不外乎就是在這好山好水的地方生長的稻米,這次很慶幸有機會認識在池上推動有機水稻,也是池上最年輕的農夫—吳家恩,學習如何下田插秧及認識秧苗,長的酷似鈕承澤導演的他,也有另一個稱號叫做「老豆導」。 -- 我們一群人七個人一起拜訪他的田,從萬安騎單車及電動車來到了萬...
There was quite a lot of interesting activities which we did in Jici village with the local people. They taught us some of the key...
淨灘一行人 淨灘 時間點約莫是在下午,太陽沒那麼毒辣的時候,大夥抄起各式各樣的「傢伙」,準備前往海邊淨灘。我其實一直對於這種吃力不討好的事情不太了解,畢竟做這件事,花費的自己的時間、心力,更甚至需要自費購買一些工具,然而並不會有人能夠從中獲取利益。 從電視到眼前...
貓巷,就坐落在甲仙文化路上其中一個小巷子裡。 當地人告訴我,這條貓巷被創造出來已經三年了。 當我一瞄到貓巷的蹤影,我一下子就被它迷人的樣貌吸引了。 我情不自禁地踏著雀躍的腳步,想要一探究竟貓巷。 入口處就有一個可愛爆表的郵筒,像是在迎接著人們來到貓巷。...
Preparing for the special day. Since the second day that I arrived Datian, Me and my partner immediately started to join the activities...
The history that Taiwanese people can't forget! We start departure at 8:30am to a 寺廟(sìmìao) and wait for Jiaxian government members pray...
Activities aside from bicycle Because Chishang is famous to its bicycle path, Did you know that there are some fun things to do aside of...
#從慢到漫 十九年的人生,沒到過台東,更別說池上。甚至,從沒騎自行車超過三步。這樣的我帶著練習腳踏車的傷口來到自行車的殿堂,做著每天靠雙腿行動的蠢夢。但果然一卸下行囊,還是得牽著一台鐵馬就上路。於是就這麼在正中午的烈日下,邊滑行邊試著輕碰踏板,一步一步掙扎,十五分鐘的路程折...
Perfect place for hideaway Have you ever tried getting away from the city without thinking about work? Have you ever been somewhere...